
9.00am Registration in BFI Southbank box office foyer. Refreshments available in the Blue Room.

10.00am Late Breakfast with Ninian Doff
Ninian Doff, this year’s Best Director at the UK Music Video Awards, talks to David Knight about his creative process, and why he continues to be passionate about music video making.

10.40am Keynote: Barnaby Laws, WPA
Worldwide Production Agency UK’s MD, Barnaby Laws will deliver a personal perspective on the opportunities and challenges facing music video makers today, and his thoughts for what the future holds.

11.10am Coffee

11.30am The Cinematography Panel
A panel of experienced music video DoPs discuss the technical and creative challenges of working in music videos today.

12.15pm The Producers’ Panel
Some of the most prolific producers working in music videos discuss how they go about making music videos, the big challenges they are facing today, and reveal how they have built their businesses with music videos as part of the mix.

1.00pm Networking Lunch

2.00pm Anatomy of a Music Video: The Chemical Brothers – Wide Open
Directors Dom Hawley and Nic Goffey, along with producer John Madsen, and Neil Davies, Executive Creative Director at The Mill, reveal the extraordinary story and amazing secrets behind the making of the award-winning Wide Open video.

2.45pm The Content Panel
What’s going on in the music video ecosystem? Caroline Bottomley investigates the opportunities in the ‘non-music video’ content market, and how things are changing with a panel of content commissioners and creators. Includes a presentation by MIDiA’s Tim Mulligan of his latest research on music video consumption online, and how the YouTube economy is likely to evolve.

3.30pm The Artists’ Panel
How do artists feel about the creative process of making music videos? Eliza Williams discusses how artists collaborate with directors and commissioners to produce music videos that not only deliver audience and sales, but a creative vision that is true to the artist.

4.00pm The Creativity Panel
Has the importance of music videos to record labels had a detrimental effect upon creativity, leaving music video creativity in crisis? What about the increasing number of videos being shelved or ‘canned’? How can we ensure there is more diversity in the creative sector to deliver a rich body of music video work?

5.00pm Networking drinks in the Blue Room with the kind support of Estrella Damm

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